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Dr. Jane Macklebower: An in-depth look at the Golden Tablet of Nellius


Golden Tablet of Nellius ~ retrieved from the planet in 1974

Dr. J. Macklebower ~ Professor of Linguistics & Paleography at Brett University

In my scientific research regarding the Golden Tablet of Nellius, the first challenge I faced was a lack of reference material. The only script which signs are in form somewhat close to the Nellian symbols is the proto-Elamite script. But there is almost exclusive uncertainty about this example, which originates from Iran and is also the oldest undeciphered writing system in the world.

What can be said with absolute certainty is that the Nellian text on the tablet is to be described as so-called pictographic writing. In other words, a text consisting of images that symbolize letters, sounds, or words. A well-known example of pictographic writing is the Egyptian hieroglyphic script.

In the case of the Golden Tablet it is important to note that the text consists of two parts. The first part is formed by three symbols, of which the middle one is larger than the two on either side. The second part consists of forty symbols, which are the same size as the two smaller ones in the first part. The two smaller symbols from the first part are reflected in the symbols from the second part, the larger one is not. The most plausible explanation for this distinction between the two parts of the text is to regard the first three symbols as a salutation, or announcement. An introduction to the second part of the text.

From this first part of the text we can observe something else that applies to every scripture: the writing direction, of which it simply does not occur that several exist within the same script. The writing direction is therefore always only from right to left or from top to bottom, or vice versa, but multiple directions are not an option. It appears that the first three symbols follow an upward line from the bottom left to the top right, which we can therefore consider as the writing direction.

As a result we also have to read the second part of the text in this direction, by which it appears to be useful to turn the whole a few degrees to the right.

It is also important that an amount of space is left between certain symbols, so that we can distinguish clusters.

And that a few symbols are used several times, including the two smaller symbols in the salutation.

Regarding the exact meaning of the Nellian text, the larger symbol in the salutation appears to offer a solution. Here we see a symbol the size of the other forty-two smaller symbols, encased in a larger one. It probably symbolizes a planet with an atmosphere. If we take this as a starting point, we can also say something about the symbols on either side. On the left a planet with a carbon black dot, which in my scientific opinion represents darkness, an unhealthy climate. And within the right one a bright circle, which indicates a healthy planet. Together the three symbols have to depict the journey from an uninhabitable to a habitable planet.

Since the carbon black dot symbol appears most often in the text (six times) and then the bright circle symbol (five times), the other symbols undoubtedly depict the different ways the Nellians attempted to leave the planet, seeking a new one. The Golden Tablet of Nellius must be a memorial, or plaque, probably intended to remind and instruct future generations of Nellians how to travel to a new, healthy planet.

This article was also published in the Paleographic Enquirer.